É tempo di cioccolata

IV Chocolate Food and Wine Exposition

PR – Press Office – Events

The 4th Chocolate Food and Wine Exposition, with the theme ‘The Origin of Cocoa’, involved over 60 companies from the sector, including master chocolate makers and wineries.

The event took place in the prestigious location of S.Erasmo (Palermo, Sicily), a 1,400 square metre former locomotive depot that has become a multipurpose centre thanks to careful restyling work, which welcomed a large number of visitors throughout the weekend.

Objective: to promote the culture of chocolate, show new techniques and food pairing with wines, passiti and moscati.

The event received the patronage of the Presidency of the Sicilian Region, the Department of Productive Activities of the Regional Province and the City Council of Palermo.

RP Leader, at the time RPR Consulting, handled the press office and Public Relations with companies and institutions.

We have created guided tasting sessions and informative videos for schools, and coordinated the organisation of ‘Taste Workshops’, in collaboration with Slow Food and the wineries.